If you are looking for something specific, and know the exact spelling of it, do the following Ctrl + F (hold down until a bar shows up at bottom of screen) Then simple type in the name of the item. _ This guide will contain over 500 codes. Contact section was updated, Gyroid section organized differently, and the furniture set/series order was changed.
Animal crossing logo wallpaprr code#
Person 1.1: Every code was double checked and any errors in title were fixed. Version 1.0: Items were added to: Gyroids, Paintings, Miscellaneous, and Furniture. Version 0.9: Worked on Miscellaneous section, and added more codes to the painting and shirts section. Version 0.8: The extremely long Shirt Codes section is finally alphabetized and neat. Still tracking down codes for the Paintings. Version 0.7: Worked on Museum guide, Fossils section is all done.
Organizing will be this weekend, along with Miscellaneous. I added Gyroid, Fossil, Carpet, Wallpaper, and Shirt codes. Version 0.6: I've been busy lately, and now have some time. Still have to make it neat Version 0.4: ApRan out of time last night: finished making the Furniture codes neat and fished up any other missing codes. Version 0.3: ApTouched up Special codes, and went into Furniture codes: added every single set code that I knew. Whole new look to guide, layout and info provided.
Version 0.1: MaFinished up Sections 1 and 2 Version 0.2: ApDeleted Sections 1 and 2, made guide into only Cheat Codes only.
Animal crossing logo wallpaprr series#
In sections with 1 or more sections (such as sets), its alphabetized by the SET NAME.* _ ***Table of Contents*** Verison History/Updates Day 1: Introduction Day 2: Animal Crossing Series Day 3: Secrets Day 4: Cheat Code Day 4.1: Special Day 4.2: Furniture Day 4.3: Clothing Day 4.4: Museum Day 4.5: Gyroids Day 4.6: Carpet & Wallpaper Day 4.7: Miscellaneous Day 5: Finale Day 5.1: Legal Day 5.2: Contact Day 5.3 Acknowledgments _ Version History and Updates Version 0.0: MaStarted guide. Use them at your own risk* *Not every code is known, so not every code is listed. Name nicknames: AC Players: 1-4 Alternating Memory: 58-61 Blocks GBA Compatible e-Reader Compatible *This guide contains cheat codes that may make you feel like you ruined your game if you use them. Writer: George "Cube" Email: First edit (start): MaLatest Edit: Version 1.0 Game: Animal Crossing Platform: Gamecube Rated E for Everyone. Animal Crossing - Copyright 2009 George Cube.